
Teenager found guilty of planning school attack in Germany

A teenager was sentenced to two years in prison with the possibility of parole in Germany on Friday for planning a deadly attack on a school he attended, according to a court spokeswoman.

According to a spokeswoman for the higher regional court in Duesseldorf, the 17-year-old was found guilty of planning a serious act of violence endangering the state.
Prosecutors in Germany previously stated that the teenager, identified as Jeremy R., planned the "right-wing extremist motivated attack" for May 13, 2022.

When he was arrested the day before, the massacre with explosives and other weapons was only narrowly avoided.

According to prosecutors, "teachers and a larger number of students were to be killed" in the attack.

Jeremy R., who was 16 at the time of his arrest, allegedly obtained the materials needed to build pipe bombs and learned how to do so on the internet.

According to the prosecutors, he had also assembled weapons such as knives, brass knuckles, machetes, crossbows and arrows, and firearms.

School shootings are uncommon in Germany, which has some of Europe's strictest gun laws.

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